I love taking pictures. It's kind of my thing. My hobbie. I have been saving up for over a year for a new camera. It's whatcha gotta do when you live on a graduate student's stipend and you are still blessed to stay home and educate your children. Come to find out, Collin has been doing a little saving too. Look what he got me for Christmas...
In case you're wondering...yep...tears. I was fully expecting to get a bit more money to put towards it, but no. He was able to get it for me. Happy Day!
Collin knows a thing or two about pictures so he's been teaching me how to use it and has pretty much told me now that I have my "big girl camera", he had better not see me using automatic settings! Don't worry honey, I haven't. I've been setting my aperture and shutter speed like a good girl.
Now I can take pictures like this...
And this...
And this...
Oh, and this...
Now I'll be saving my nickels and dimes for lenses!