I've been giving a lot of thought to the kind home I want. The type of atmosphere and environment I want to create for my family. I decided it needed to begin with me. I needed to take care of myself in order to take better care of my family. Not sure why it's taken me so long to realize that. Collin has been saying that for years and is always encouraging me to take "time outs". So, this is how I have been starting my days the past four weeks.
I set my alarm and don't push snooze.
This has been a huge adjustment. I don't like something, especially a loud buzzing something, interrupting my sleep. However, it's been good.After spending a few minutes getting dressed and washing up, I unlock my bike
and ride to Starbuck's. It's a beautiful 2 1/2-3 mile ride (one way) gazing at the mountains in the distance,
listening to the birds greeting me, and trying not to get run over by the more "serious" bikers in the bike lanes. It's the perfect way to sneak in some exercise.Once I am at Starbuck's, I grab my tall, non-fat (a girl's gotta watch her figure!) caffe misto and sit at a corner table. I'm officially a "regular" now. The barrista girl has my drink ready by the time I get to the register. Pretty cool. While I am there I say my morning prayers from the Book of Common Prayer, read an encouraging book/devotional (current one is Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George), journal, and plan out my day.
After I get home, I start setting the stage for the rest of the family's morning. I put on the appropriate uniform...
I love aprons! I feel so feminine wearing them.
I open up the windows to let the cool breeze in,
I turn some chant or classical music on softly, I light a scented candle, and check my email. The internet is a big time waster for me, especially in the morning when I should be doing other things, so I make sure I am ONLY checking email.As I am preparing breakfast, I start hearing evidence of life. The boys know they are not to come out of their room until I call them for breakfast. This insures a more peaceful and quiet morning which Collin, especially, appreciates. Breakfast was something that was lacking. I don't like cooking or preparing food. The boys would usually fix themselves some toast or cereal. That's changed. Some mornings they'll get eggs, fruit, and OJ or maybe a muffin, fruit, and milk. Regardless of the menu, the table is always set nicely.
After the breakfast mess is picked up, the boys get started on some sort of math game while I get the homeschool materials set out for the day. Then, the school bell rings.I have really seen and felt the benefits of taking time for myself. I am less grumpy and irritable, my family is less grumpy and irritable, and I feel good about getting some exercise (I have to fit into a bride's maid dress in June!) As Martha Stewart says, "It's a good thing."