I still can't shake the feeling that I am not using this program to it's potential, even in the grammar stage. I think I need to add in some read alouds. Maybe start doing the read alouds they have scheduled or even reading one of the in-depth history books they suggest. I will have to give this some more thought.
Mapwork...we labeled the different tribes on a map of Central/South America. I didn't realize the Inca Empire was so big!
Literature...Magnus is reading Morning Girl by Michael Dorris. It's been kind of a challenge due to the fact that he has discovered the Redwall series by Brian Jacques and only wants to read them. These books are roughly 350 pages each and he has read three of them since this past weekend!
Spelling...I decided not to start the program this week. I needed to spend sometime familiarizing myself with it and learning how to teach it. Granted, that hasn't happened, but I hope to get to it this weekend.
Writing...we started Writing With Ease Level 2 this week. So far so good. Narration needs work...he gives ALL the details, but it'll come in time.
On a side note...our charter school purchase the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style by Andrew Pudewa DVDS and notebooks. Some other moms and I are going to work through the series on Monday afternoons and then get a co-op going so we can work through the Student Writing Intensive Level A with our kids. Not sure I am going to join in with the co-op...I want Magnus to work through WWE before we tackle SWI A. I may save that for next year. Regardless, I am excited about having other moms to do this with.
Also started him on the Explode the Code books. He loves them and gave them a thumbs up!
Thane...work on telling time. With there only being digital clocks in our house, working with the "hands" proved to be a little hard. Will have to continue working on this concept a bit.
Yea for me! We actually did it this week! The boys got a kick out of the song this week. They even made up a dance to it. I had to listen to it at least 10 times every day!
(Yes, Magnus is dressed up like an Indian. You'll see why.)
Magnus also built a model of a casa (house) and had to label the porta (door), murus (wall), and fenestra (windows). He got pretty creative.
Science...cancelled this week
Kidspiration...did something. Not sure what.
Drawing...is working on a drawing of a weaver bird. Can't wait to see that one!
Music Appreciation...we attended a school program instead
PE...we attended a school program instead
Mrs. P's Kindergarten Class..."N" Week...he shared is Nerf gun.
Music Appreciation...we attended a school program instead
PE...we attended a school program instead
Wednesday, our charter school invited a Native American to come talk to the kids about the life of a Plains Indian. Lizard Woman (her name...I love it!) brought all kinds of things to show the kids. Later, they got to try their hand at the Bow and Arrow. My little, creative, "I have to immerse myself" child dressed up like an Indian. I love that it doesn't matter to him if the other kids are going to do it or not (they didn't). He does it because he wants to.