Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Family Members

I'd like to introduce the newest members of our clan.

This is Sea Biscuit. He is Magnus' responsibility.

This is Thane's fish, Jonathon.

I have one too. His name is Steve the Betta Fish.
For those of you who may not know, these are Siamese Fighting Fish.

They are native to Thailand, but ours live in Paris...


Lisa~ said...

Fish are great pets! Easy to care for....

RyLee had one for about 2+ years.... but unfortunately... one time we had friends over... and my friends son scooped him up and squeezed the life out of him! We can giggle about it now... but RyLee was pretty little... 5 maybe?? Maybe younger.... she still jokes to this day she has not recovered form that incident....

Keep all fish away from 3 year olds! *Ü* (snort)

Melissa said...

Well, I came here to see your weekly report but the Parisian fish got me! :) Love the pics and the names, and especially their very classy environment. If only it were so easy to transport myself to Paris...

Okay, now I'll head to the report post. :)
Melissa (party of 5)