Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Show and Tell

Collin and I were fortunate to spend 3 weeks backpacking in Europe again this summer. This time we went back to France and added Switzerland. Collin was presenting his research on the Lais of Marie de France at the International Courtly Literature Society Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. We figured since we were already there, we might as well make the most of it. We spent time in Normandy (we have friends who live in Cherbourg), Provence (Arles and Avignon), Paris, Lausanne and the Swiss Alps (Murren and Gimmelwald).

We took around 800 pictures and have not been able to share them with most of our family and friends so I plan on regularly sharing some here with short explanations. Hope you all enjoy!

These are our dear friends in Cherbourg, France. We stayed with them for 5 days. Fortunately for me they speak English very well. Collin, on the other hand, was rattling off French left and right. I was impressed...and so were they. We hope to get back there to see them very soon. Caroline (the pretty one in the middle) is supposed to come visit us in February.

This is Cherbourg.

Denis, Paul, and Collin swimming in La Manche (the English Channel).

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