Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!


We are celebrating Thanksgiving today just the four of us. It's days like these that really make living so far away from family hard...and those times when you are struggling to find a babysitter! Nonetheless, we are having a great day. Collin and the boys had a battle,
we made a couple pies (chocolate!),

we've done a lot of reading,

I plan on doing a few crafts with the boys, and later we'll play games for awhile. We chose not to cook the traditional meal. Instead we are having one of our family's favorite...waffles, hash browns, eggs, bacon, and oj.

We have a lot to be thankful for. Here is a short list...

Thane-his playmobile guys, his big brother (that warms my heart!), his big brother sharing his toys, our home, his games, chocolate pie(!), and playing with friends.

Magnus-God (hallelujah!), his brother, his dad, his mom, food (which also includes chocolate pie!), the turkey wishbone (?), his castles, and candy (which he is still eating from Halloween).

Brittney-my Husband (his understanding, patience, love, gentleness, leadership, and character), Magnus (his inquisitiveness, gentleness, thoughtfulness, and laughter), Thane (his energy, softness, manner of speaking, and smile), my family and friends, good health for all of us this year (only one trip to the ER for Thane!), God's provisions (a great apartment, food in our bellies, clothes on our backs, bills paid, ect.), I am able to stay home and educate my kids, autumn colors, chocolate pie (!), the printing press (love those books!), song birds, our backpacking trip in Europe (and my parents for watching the boys!), and cars that have not needed any major repairs.

Collin-family, health, he comes home safe everyday, and our church.

I hope you all were able to celebrate the way you wanted. Here is to another year full of blessings!

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